41.   And this week, French President Jacques Chirac called for legislative elections this spring to seek a mandate for cuts needed to qualify France for the euro.

42.   Balladur, a conservative, is the frontrunner in spring presidential elections to replace Socialist President Francois Mitterrand.

43.   Berlusconi and his allies demand Dini disband his government in time for spring elections, possibly June.

44.   Bouchard and Charest are expected to face each other in a showdown provincial election next spring.

45.   Both Chirac and Jospin are expected to contest the upcoming presidential elections this spring.

46.   But Antonio Tajani noted that the party would not let up on its insistence for elections this spring.

47.   Bulatovic, a former president of Montenegro, lost elections this spring to Djukanovic.

48.   But former Premier Silvio Berlusconi has demanded elections this spring and has suggested his Forza Italia party could raise obstacles to the economic proposals.

49.   Chirac is seeking a second presidential term in spring elections.

50.   Chirac is expected to face Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin in the spring election.

n. + election >>共 309
runoff 9.72%
fall 8.80%
midterm 7.41%
year 6.02%
weekend 5.62%
spring 4.46%
leadership 4.10%
self-rule 3.31%
government 2.91%
run-off 2.87%
spring + n. >>共 1442
training 29.03%
practice 3.17%
day 1.94%
season 1.65%
election 1.32%
rain 1.29%
water 1.16%
game 1.04%
weather 1.00%
collection 0.86%
每页显示:    共 111