41.   But Keyes has his own appeal, with a fiery speaking style and an in-your-face conservative message.

42.   Canadians liked his unpretentious manner and folksy speaking style that could mangle both English and his native French with equal frequency.

43.   But with his salt-and-pepper mop-top and an impassioned speaking style, he has cultivated the image of a challenger to the status quo.

44.   Canadians liked his unpretentious manner and his folksy speaking style that can mangle English and his native French with equal frequency.

45.   His trademark is his rough-hewn speaking style, mangling both English and his native French.

46.   The former cabinet minister, known for his wit and colorful speaking style, said he started to have second thoughts before Christmas.

47.   With his slight frame and a less-than-fiery speaking style, Paul Coverdell often got lost in the media shuffle of the Senate.

48.   He was once an economics professor and is handicapped by a dull speaking style.

49.   Her major electoral problem is that on television she comes across as uncomfortable, although at public gatherings she has a strong voice and incisive speaking style.

50.   Balding and a bit pudgy, with a heavy gait and droning speaking style, the first impression Samper leaves might be somewhat deceptive.

a. + style >>共 2049
different 4.64%
new 2.95%
personal 1.97%
aggressive 1.21%
musical 1.16%
american 1.06%
old 1.04%
same 0.98%
traditional 0.96%
writing 0.95%
speaking 0.60%
speaking + n. >>共 135
engagement 21.94%
term 8.54%
tour 7.36%
style 6.83%
role 4.86%
fee 4.34%
slot 4.20%
voice 3.68%
part 2.89%
appearance 1.97%
每页显示:    共 52