41.   Save that spare change.

42.   Rodgers, looking dazed and drugged, wanders through the audience, shilling for spare change.

43.   --Sending down all those irregular coins to jam our vending machines and take up room in our spare change jars.

44.   Shops trade in everything from kitsch to Kafka, while street performers play for spare change.

45.   Susan gives her clothes and spare change.

46.   Start by giving up that latte or by putting aside all your spare change at the end of the week.

47.   That day he hung out on the streets, joined friends at a local gas station, and pumped petrol for spare change.

48.   The family nest egg was the Mickey Mouse bank on our bureau that we used for spare change.

49.   The onlookers smile in wonder, as if they have just seen a Boston terrier tap-dancing or Donald Trump asking for spare change.

50.   The way I see it, if they have that much spare change, they must have worked hard for it.

a. + change >>共 804
major 5.67%
significant 3.47%
proposed 3.24%
big 2.49%
political 2.43%
radical 2.21%
dramatic 2.21%
constitutional 1.94%
fundamental 1.81%
sweeping 1.73%
spare 0.36%
spare + n. >>共 350
part 34.28%
time 22.56%
tire 3.27%
bedroom 2.87%
change 2.75%
room 2.31%
capacity 1.87%
cash 1.67%
moment 1.51%
car 1.32%
每页显示:    共 69