41.   The onion dip developed a sour taste as the third round began.

42.   The peacekeeping debacle in Somalia, in particular, left a sour taste at the U.N. because of the swiftness of Washington to assign blame to the U.N.

43.   They left a sour taste in the mouths of Longhorns players.

44.   This allegedly liberated comedy has some nasty undercurrents that lend it a slightly sour taste.

45.   Thirsty consumers ignored the sour taste and the sediment to chug the warm beverage on the spot.

46.   Unfortunately, this week had a sour taste just as it got started, when Trojans coach Paul Hackett singled out his seniors and upperclassmen for their inconsistent play.

47.   Unlike sweet, salt and bitter, each of which can be evoked by a number of different sense stimuli, the sour taste always comes from an acid.

48.   While the Lakers were spraying Champagne in their locker room, the Nets had the sour taste of frustration in theirs.

49.   With spinach, the lemon juice adds a sour taste that the sorrel would provide on its own.

50.   Zedillo was reflecting the sour taste that the U.S. congressional discussions have left in Mexico.

a. + taste >>共 750
bad 8.45%
good 7.35%
first 7.29%
bitter 3.31%
personal 2.78%
musical 2.06%
sour 1.79%
public 1.64%
poor 1.61%
different 1.49%
sour + n. >>共 194
note 22.38%
taste 9.39%
mood 5.79%
economy 4.38%
relation 3.29%
market 2.66%
loan 1.72%
smell 1.56%
face 1.41%
milk 1.41%
每页显示:    共 60