41.   The Zapatistas want the soldiers to withdraw from former rebel territory and arrest warrants for their leaders canceled before they resume talks.

42.   The Zapatistas, who say they are willing to talk peace, say the soldiers must first withdraw from the former rebel zone.

43.   Turkish soldiers withdrew from northern Iraq Thursday after a two-day incursion against Kurdish rebels bases, the Anatolia news agency said.

44.   When hundreds converged on an Israeli roadblock from two directions, the soldiers withdrew to a nearby hill.

45.   Zaire diplomat says his country will not attend a peace conference to stop the fighting in its country until all soldiers have withdrawn.

46.   Zaire will not attend a peace conference to stop the fighting in its country until all soldiers have withdrawn, a Zairian diplomat said Friday.

47.   However, the defense chief added that Japanese soldiers might withdraw if the civil war expands again.

48.   In the confused fighting the soldiers withdrew in disorder after firing only a few shots, trying to get more ammunition.

49.   And should UN soldiers withdraw from Croatia, Martic would have no qualms about taking peacekeepers hostage, the official said.

50.   The soldiers withdrew to the outskirts of Tulkarem Saturday afternoon, the army said in a statement.

n. + withdraw >>共 474
troop 14.93%
force 8.92%
government 5.76%
company 3.58%
army 3.44%
party 2.32%
rebel 2.32%
police 2.18%
investor 1.90%
soldier 1.76%
soldier + v. >>共 818
be 10.12%
fire 4.07%
die 2.97%
shoot 2.77%
say 2.50%
kill 2.43%
open 2.14%
take 2.09%
return 1.40%
have 1.32%
withdraw 0.29%
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