41.   As this happens, economic growth will slow in tandem with declines in consumption and business investment.

42.   As Stewart slowed in the final laps to conserve what little fuel remained, his lead slowly diminished.

43.   As the blood insulin level rose, the hypothalamus slowed in lean subjects.

44.   At the same time, job growth probably slowed in July from June, and that should give more comfort to Fed policymakers.

45.   At the same time, demand for lumber is expected to slow in coming weeks as temperatures cool and construction work slows, analysts said.

46.   Auto-related stocks fell amid growing concern auto company earnings may slow in the second half.

47.   Azoff noted that the outlook for the industry had become more cloudy as sales of compact disks were slowing in the critical U.S. market.

48.   Auto company shares fell as sluggish U.S. vehicle sales in June raised concern the industry may slow in the second half.

49.   Bank loans to U.S. companies slowed in the first quarter amid a pause in lending for mergers and acquisitions.

50.   Banks slipped on estimates earnings growth slowed in the third quarter because of stable prices of government bonds, in which the banks invest much of their money.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
slow 0.10%
slow + p. >>共 51
down 36.09%
in 23.01%
to 12.30%
as 3.67%
for 2.93%
from 2.74%
because_of 2.30%
at 1.93%
during 1.87%
after 1.81%
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