41.   The group, all wearing Jewish skull caps, shattered the windows of at least two cars, said Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby.

42.   The slightly built defendant, his black curly hair covered by a black skull cap, displayed little emotion Wednesday.

43.   Thousands of Muslim youth in Islamic skull caps listened in silence, most with their head bowed, as they kneeled on a massive courtyard beneath swarms of pigeons.

44.   Thousands of Muslim youths in Islamic skull caps listened in silence, most with their head bowed, as they kneeled on a huge courtyard beneath swarms of pigeons.

45.   They said bosses can pressure Orthodox Jewish men not to wear skull caps, Sikhs to put away turbans and Pentecostal women to substitute pants for skirts.

46.   They said bosses can pressure Orthodox Jewish men not to wear skull caps, Sikhs to put away turbans and Pentecostal woman to substitute pants for skirts.

47.   Young men in skull caps stood nearby, swaying in silent prayer.

48.   A law and information technology student at the Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv where Amir studied, Skornik appeared in court wearing the Jewish skull cap or kippa.

49.   Yeltsin, wearing a Moslem skull cap, appealed to the crowd to support reform.

50.   The ban has been widely criticized as discriminating against the Islamic headscarf while allowing such religious insignia such as Christian crucifixes and Jewish skull caps.

n. + cap >>共 315
salary 41.84%
baseball 18.68%
price 7.02%
ball 2.43%
rookie 1.99%
skull 1.46%
ski 0.99%
wool 0.99%
knee 0.94%
rate 0.79%
skull + n. >>共 63
fracture 46.05%
cap 16.45%
injury 3.29%
fragment 3.29%
bone 2.30%
cavity 1.64%
fossil 1.32%
rule 1.32%
surgery 1.32%
map 0.99%
每页显示:    共 50