41.   The delivery may have signaled the beginning of a race.

42.   The move signals the beginning of consolidation in the steel industry as new mills boost U.S. supply, forcing steelmakers to trim costs to protect market share.

43.   The novel signaled the beginning of an industrious and prolific career.

44.   The purchase of La Quinta signals the beginning of a diversification and expansion plan at Meditrust that may result in other acquisitions soon.

45.   The pitch that signals the beginning of battle between two teams.

46.   The revelations of Auschwitz and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki signaled the beginning of the end of the isolated idealism of an earlier Hollywood.

47.   The start of this race, the first big production of the Olympic year, signals the beginning of the competitive tapering toward the Atlanta Games.

48.   The system also searches for the video effects broadcasters use to signal the beginning of a replay.

49.   Their arrival, the companies supporting the Bluetooth technology say, will signal the beginning of the personal-area network.

50.   They wonder whether this might signal the beginning of the end of the widespread presence of Internet marketers in mass-media advertising.

v. + beginning >>共 165
mark 33.62%
signal 10.02%
have 8.44%
see 4.65%
represent 2.08%
announce 1.71%
miss 1.59%
herald 1.34%
signify 1.22%
make 1.10%
signal + n. >>共 677
end 8.17%
willingness 4.57%
start 4.53%
change 3.82%
intention 3.04%
beginning 3.04%
support 2.34%
return 1.45%
interest 1.37%
readiness 1.34%
每页显示:    共 82