41.   Sam and Rip used to run three or four shows a week.

42.   She left the show a year before it ended to retreat to the middle-class suburbs and raise the daughter she had with Johnny Lee.

43.   Stein shoots four shows a day earlier this summer.

44.   The ads, lampooned last week on Saturday Night Live, show a woman moaning in pleasure as men massage Herbal Essences shampoo into her scalp.

45.   The average Branson show runs two hours, and bus tour participants often take in three or four shows a day.

46.   The company participates in four trade shows a year and advertises in the trade magazine Outdoor Retailer.

47.   The former glorifies a justice system that allows an underdog paralegal to triumph, while the latter shows a justice system helpless against the flow of illegal drugs.

48.   The Normandie was a French liner, so nine of the medallions show Norman cities, and one shows a sister ship, the Ile de France.

49.   The picture shows a cowboy as handsome as sunset.

50.   The problem is, with a dozen shows a day things start to run together.

n. + a >>共 1009
time 17.70%
dollar 5.21%
meal 1.75%
hour 1.72%
night 1.42%
day 1.27%
flight 1.25%
game 0.76%
people 0.75%
penny 0.70%
show 0.63%
show + p. >>共 85
of 29.94%
in 14.99%
on 8.96%
at 6.93%
for 6.61%
with 6.53%
to 2.87%
from 2.55%
about 2.44%
as 2.37%
a 0.93%
每页显示:    共 75