41.   The defense also contends some FBI agents knew of other possible conspirators but allowed McVeigh to shoulder the blame alone.

42.   The players shouldering the blame are strikers Vincenzo Montella and Giuseppe Signori, who was traded from Lazio earlier this season.

43.   The premiers said the federal government has made the largest cuts to health care ever and provinces are being forced to shoulder the blame.

44.   The report suggests officers should not fully shoulder the blame but does not let them off the hook entirely.

45.   He also shouldered the blame for unpopular deals to break the Israeli siege of his compound.

46.   British captain Bill Knight shouldered the blame.

47.   But Israeli leaders, who accuse Syria of controlling Hezbollah, shied clear of blaming Damascus for the violence and warned Lebanon would also shoulder the blame.

48.   Former England international Paul Ackford agreed both sides have got to shoulder the blame for failing to find a solution before now.

49.   Israeli leaders, who accuse Syria of controlling Hezbollah, warned that Lebanon would also shoulder the blame.

v. + blame >>共 129
take 13.67%
place 9.27%
put 8.49%
share 7.71%
assign 5.71%
accept 5.32%
lay 5.17%
pin 4.64%
shift 3.90%
lie 3.12%
shoulder 2.39%
shoulder + n. >>共 114
responsibility 14.11%
burden 10.48%
blame 9.88%
cost 7.86%
risk 3.63%
surgery 3.23%
way 3.02%
load 2.82%
most 2.62%
share 2.62%
每页显示:    共 49