41.   Shops downtown, which two years ago catered more to other Latin American countries, have shifted their emphasis to Brazilians.

42.   She shifts emphasis from size to attitude.

43.   So the ADB is shifting emphasis from funding specific projects to getting others to pay for it.

44.   The company decided to shift its emphasis from manufacturing to developing golf equipment.

45.   The Democrats once carried the flag for public spending, but Bill Clinton and Al Gore shifted the emphasis to preserving the surplus and keeping government small.

46.   The company, based in Horsham, Pa., creates industry-specific Web sites but will shift its emphasis to sales of business-to-business software.

47.   The electric media, beginning with the telegraph, shifted the emphasis from the eye to the ear, from systematic order to multiple sensations.

48.   The Fed had shifted its emphasis from targeting interest rates to controlling money supply growth, and soaring rates virtually assured disaster.

49.   The emphasis was shifted to better execution of fewer plays.

50.   The e-world makes sensitivity to multiple audiences very important, and it shifts the emphasis from the narrower concept of customers to the wider concept of audiences.

v. + emphasis >>共 141
place 33.11%
put 26.37%
give 5.69%
shift 5.69%
lay 2.25%
change 2.17%
increase 1.72%
want 1.20%
switch 1.05%
keep 0.82%
shift + n. >>共 733
focus 9.46%
money 5.10%
production 4.36%
gear 3.97%
attention 3.15%
fund 2.85%
responsibility 2.08%
blame 2.05%
emphasis 1.95%
position 1.79%
每页显示:    共 76