41.   Nigerian drug traders have established transit points in Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Senegal and South Africa from where shipments are sent to Europe and the United States.

42.   Other shipments will be sent in the next few days, Khalifa added.

43.   Satam Koud, the Iraqi president of the Al-Eman group, said the shipment was sent by the Pezetel company in Poland which specializes in agricultural helicopters.

44.   Sri Lankan officials say two more shipments would be sent to Jaffna.

45.   The documents said the arms shipments were sent to Goma, in eastern Zaire, at the border between Zaire and Rwanda.

46.   The illegal shipments are sent aboard military cargo planes to Malta and from there to Libya, unidentified western officials in Belgrade and Washington told the daily.

v. + shipment >>共 348
delay 5.14%
stop 4.51%
halt 3.58%
block 3.11%
receive 2.91%
resume 2.49%
suspend 2.44%
send 2.39%
prevent 1.71%
make 1.56%
send + n. >>共 860
letter 6.46%
message 5.50%
troop 4.53%
signal 2.04%
e-mail 1.77%
child 1.77%
money 1.47%
team 1.19%
price 1.19%
representative 1.07%
shipment 0.14%
每页显示:    共 46