41.   The stay of execution would merely have given respondent the opportunity to seek the review in this Court that has been authorized by Congress and our Rules.

42.   The term limits group also seeks review on the grounds that other state courts have issued conflicting rulings on similar ballot initiatives.

43.   They said they might seek another review of his mental fitness for trial as a result of the new findings.

44.   We concede that, if the district court in this case had determined that beating respondent violated clearly established law, petitioners could have sought review of that determination.

45.   Winemakers seeking good reviews may be exploiting new technologies not only for damage control, but also to shape their wines from birth.

46.   Bond had sought the review.

47.   Bob Weaver, a lawyer representing Taco Bell, said he would seek judicial review of the verdict before deciding whether to appeal.

48.   Browne goes to Zurich seeking a review of how the rights were awarded.

49.   But Ottawa also said it is seeking judicial review of two points in the ruling it finds objectionable.

50.   Department of Justice spokeswoman Winnie Wong said the department will study the judgement before deciding on whether to seek a review of sentence.

v. + review >>共 344
receive 7.31%
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get 4.68%
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seek + n. >>共 791
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