41.   While some scientists are predicting that humanity will not live to see a recovery from the extinctions it has wrought, many questions remain.

42.   Yet scientists have predicted the point in each sport at which progress will eventually stop.

43.   Computer scientists predict that speeds will increase geometrically in coming years.

44.   How many people eventually die from the disease will depend on the incubation period, scientists predict.

45.   Scientists could predict the mountain would erupt, but not exactly when.

46.   Scientists have predicted that global warming will cause the oceans to expand.

47.   Scientists predict that if illegal fishing continues at the present rate, the toothfish will be commercially extinct in less than three years.

48.   Scientists predict the way of doomsday.

49.   Scientists are predicting a wet winter across the Northwest and a dry one in the Southwest after discovering the reappearance of La Nina in the Pacific Ocean.

50.   Scientists had predicted a major Turkish quake.

n. + predict >>共 650
analyst 19.92%
expert 7.23%
official 6.54%
economist 5.40%
forecaster 4.35%
observer 2.34%
poll 1.61%
leader 1.46%
report 1.41%
executive 1.22%
scientist 1.11%
scientist + v. >>共 535
say 14.78%
be 6.96%
believe 4.75%
find 2.95%
have 2.51%
know 2.46%
use 1.83%
hope 1.75%
try 1.60%
think 1.53%
predict 0.52%
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