41.   Rather than having the producer and Dietz testify, both sides stipulated, or agreed, to what they would have said under oath.

42.   Rank and file UMG employees are under strict orders not to comment on the downsizing, but some said under condition of anonymity that waiting was the hardest part.

43.   Reid must also decide whether prosecutors can call Capt. York to cast doubt on what Fuhrman said under oath.

44.   Rockwell, taking the opposing position, says under the disabilities act, golf courses are named as public accommodations.

45.   Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, said under the proposal a judge who determines a minor is mature and informed can authorize an abortion.

46.   Smolan said under the terms of the deal, he would own rights to the book and anything else that was produced or published from the project.

47.   So, too, will the issue of whether prosecutors can call Capt. York to cast doubt on what Fuhrman said under oath.

48.   State Sen. Fingerhut says under GOP sponsored welfare reform Stavis could not have gotten her benefits while going to schools.

49.   Technology specialists say under Palmer, Digital sent out confusing and often contradictory messages to its customers.

50.   Teresita Baralt said under cross-examination Thursday by Deputy District Attorney David P. Conn.

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