41.   Armed forces spokesman Brig. Gen. Suwarno Adiwijoyo said the report was untrue, the weekly Tiras magazine said.

42.   Both cases were being handled discretely to avoid further straining German-Iranian ties, the magazine said.

43.   France sought to ensure no terrorist attacks during the trial, said the magazine.

44.   German agents were outfitted with laundry lists of the most-prized Russian goods and technology, compiled by German defense officials and the Pentagon, the magazine said.

45.   Israel has held two major tank exercises recently and commanders, the magazine said, are drawing up plans to call up reserves.

46.   Indeed, the prospect of making a poor showing prompted Beatty to reject entering the California and New Hampshire primaries, the magazine said.

47.   It is to be ready for distribution by the end of the year, says Variety magazine.

48.   Lavery said magazine publishers were also considering ways to define and sell electronic editions.

49.   Schaab told Spiegel he was not willing to turn himself in to German authorities because he did not want to be a scapegoat for others, the magazine said.

50.   That information has been relayed to the German government by German intelligence, said the magazine Der Spiegel.

v. + magazine >>共 377
read 8.51%
publish 7.45%
say 4.06%
buy 3.39%
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run 1.60%
launch 1.60%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
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goodbye 1.60%
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magazine 0.10%
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