41.   White House spokesman Mike McCurry said following the Monday meetings that stretched throughout most of the afternoon and early evening that the discussions were nearing an end.

42.   Italian media reports said following that summit that Berlusconi had wanted to agree a similar document with Germany but had been rebuffed.

43.   Netanyahu said following talks with President Bill Clinton on Monday that he would not freeze construction on the site known to the Israelis as Har Homa.

44.   Outgoing Prime Minister Cavaco Silva said following the poll Sunday that he was partly responsible for the outcome which, he added, reflected voter sentiment.

45.   Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto said following her recent visit to Paris that she had received the green light for the Mirage sale from French President Jacques Chirac.

46.   The Hong Kong government said following the ruling it would ask the US Justice Department to file an appeal.

47.   The hourlong meeting produced no recommendations for Clinton, White House spokesman David Johnson said following the talks.

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