41.   But reality is kept at a safe distance through most of this exhibition, reinforcing the fiddling-while-Rome-burns quality of the objects on view.

42.   But the competition may not always keep a safe distance.

43.   But there he was, consummately relaxed, albeit a safe distance from the beach, and arguably in full control of his aquaphobia.

44.   Controllers rely on the computers and radar in their effort to maintain a safe distance between aircraft.

45.   Demps lived at a safe distance from the poverty, in a building with a generator, but the disparity did not elude him.

46.   Drive safely and walk safe distances from the traffic.

47.   Drummer David Narcizo, nursing a cold with a hearty barley-and-kale soup, makes sure to keep a safe distance.

48.   English snobbery and class envy have always provided vicarious enjoyment when ogled from a safe distance.

49.   Finally, the order was given for all military personnel to clear the town, and we retreated the prescribed safe distance.

50.   For the most part, cars kept a safe distance, although they seemed to follow no speed limit.

a. + distance >>共 530
short 13.45%
long 8.25%
striking 7.45%
walking 6.86%
safe 5.88%
great 3.99%
greater 2.54%
driving 1.86%
same 1.83%
longer 1.77%
safe + n. >>共 665
haven 20.71%
area 13.07%
passage 8.79%
place 4.61%
distance 3.15%
bet 2.03%
return 1.96%
zone 1.76%
harbor 1.66%
deposit 1.52%
每页显示:    共 198