41.   The movement also owns eight schools and runs stores in Shiite areas that sell food at discount prices.

v. + store >>共 528
open 10.32%
close 8.08%
have 5.84%
hit 3.44%
leave 2.87%
loot 2.71%
operate 2.40%
visit 2.05%
enter 2.02%
build 1.74%
run 1.29%
run + n. >>共 962
risk 2.96%
ball 2.84%
company 2.69%
business 2.62%
ad 2.52%
country 2.21%
program 2.17%
course 2.07%
gamut 1.52%
race 1.46%
store 0.22%
每页显示:    共 41