41.   Rumors circulate every few days about an imminent guerrilla attack on whites in Kigali.

42.   Rumors circulated about his condition.

43.   Rumors circulated that on weeknights and some Sunday evenings New Hope allowed barbershop quartets and something that sounded suspiciously like the new music kids listened to on the radio.

44.   Rumors circulated that the killer might be a student embroiled in a plagiarism case.

45.   Rumors circulated through Grozny that the Russian government was organizing a bus convoy to take civilians out of the city, but the buses never appeared.

46.   Rumors had circulated that Freeman was going to close the plant permanently, and his speech did little to calm their fears.

47.   Rumors have been circulating that Brokaw, who is taking a long summer break this year, is ready to bequeath his anchor duties.

48.   Rumors have been circulating through the surrounding countryside that something awful may have happened there.

49.   Rumors have circulated for months that the company will lay off workers, MOME design teams or the entire plant.

50.   Rumors have circulated too that Henley could go.

n. + circulate >>共 293
rumor 18.46%
air 7.81%
report 5.27%
rumour 3.80%
story 2.43%
petition 1.69%
blood 1.48%
money 1.37%
proposal 1.27%
police 1.27%
rumor + v. >>共 237
be 32.68%
circulate 7.80%
have 7.09%
spread 5.66%
swirl 3.66%
abound 3.61%
fly 2.76%
persist 2.76%
begin 2.59%
surface 1.78%
每页显示:    共 174