41.   Four years after seizing the Afghan capital, the ruling Taliban militia reopened the National Art Gallery on Thursday.

42.   He and the ruling Taliban Islamic militia in Afghanistan, where bin Laden is believed hiding, have long denied terrorist involvement.

43.   He added that the aid goes directly to the people and bypasses the ruling Taliban militia.

44.   Hamdi was captured with fighters of the former ruling Taliban militia and al-Qaida after a November prison uprising in Afghanistan.

45.   His options include more air strikes, use of special forces commando raids and coordinated missions with rebel forces already fighting the ruling Taliban militia.

46.   India has stepped up its diplomatic efforts to play an active role in the formation of a government that would replace the ruling Taliban militia in Afghanistan.

47.   It also underscored rapidly worsening relations between the Taliban and international aid organizations, which have accused the ruling militia of harassing aid workers and hampering relief operations.

48.   Kandahar is the headquarters of the ruling Taliban militia.

49.   Meanwhile in eastern Zimbabwe, two opposition supporters have been killed in attacks by ruling party militias in the past two days, Ncube said.

50.   Most of the refugees said they were fleeing heavy bombing of the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, a key base for the ruling Taliban religious militia.

a. + militia >>共 399
islamic 12.84%
local 4.35%
religious 4.29%
rival 3.62%
armed 3.00%
ruling 2.95%
palestinian 2.92%
anti-independence 2.60%
allied 2.51%
lebanese 2.48%
ruling + n. >>共 347
party 40.34%
coalition 15.34%
junta 2.90%
family 2.35%
class 2.12%
militant 1.95%
council 1.94%
official 1.94%
elite 1.70%
militia 1.69%
每页显示:    共 100