41.   Bank of France rules forbid foreign banks to issue certain short-term securities and certificates of deposits, denominated in French francs.

42.   Britain cannot unilaterally ban the export of calves because EU rules forbid such barriers to trade between member nations.

43.   British takeover rules forbid CE Electric from paying more than its bid price, although it can buy stock in the open market for the same price or less.

44.   But imperial rules forbid women from assuming the Chrysanthemum Throne, so the new princess, who will be named next week, is not in line.

45.   But that possibility no longer exists since world trade rules forbid market-distorting export subsidies.

46.   Current FCC rules forbid companies from owning two or more networks in certain combinations.

47.   EU rules forbid states to impose higher taxes on imported goods than on competing domestic products.

48.   Electoral commission rules forbid members of the armed forces and police from joining political parties.

49.   Electoral commission rules forbid members of the armed forces, police, and civil servants from joining political parties.

50.   EU rules forbid staff engaging in outside business activity.

n. + forbid >>共 187
law 33.74%
rule 6.82%
government 3.51%
constitution 3.41%
regulation 3.13%
policy 2.94%
heaven 1.80%
agreement 1.61%
religion 1.33%
court 1.23%
rule + v. >>共 596
be 26.73%
require 6.28%
apply 5.47%
allow 4.72%
prohibit 3.23%
make 2.02%
change 1.96%
say 1.82%
prevent 1.61%
have 1.53%
forbid 0.92%
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