41.   By simply typing in a street address, you get a map that locates the destination and shows neighboring streets, right down to the smallest alley.

42.   Campaign workers are told to follow even the smallest rules, right down to making sure all solicitation letters go out on campaign stationery.

43.   Dave is a sharp guy, no doubt about it, right down to the fetching tuxedo that flattered his trim physique.

44.   Dedicating the film to her own mother, Ms. Savoca describes the joy and frustration of new motherhood in workaday detail, right down to the last unmade bed.

45.   Doctors will more accurately diagnose diseases, right down to a particular subtype, using computer analyses of simple blood tests rather than a collection of symptoms.

46.   Dwayne, however, is apathetic, having embraced the African-American ways of his new parents, right down to his language, which is straight out of Compton.

47.   Even apparently legit software could be phony, because Taiwan pirates excel in making near-perfect knockoffs, right down to the labels.

48.   Fernando is the modern French Open, right down to his clay-caked socks, stringy hair and cap, which he wears backward.

49.   Every time you turned on your radar they sent a radiation-seeking missile right back down the radar beam and blew you away.

50.   First inning, fastball away, right down the middle.

n. + down >>共 1157
way 5.32%
price 1.64%
right 1.52%
third 1.49%
side 1.43%
head 1.41%
step 1.36%
trip 1.25%
face 1.17%
ball 1.14%
right + p. >>共 108
in 15.67%
for 15.09%
from 5.15%
after 5.05%
as 4.99%
at 4.15%
against 4.08%
by 3.13%
down 3.03%
with 3.02%
每页显示:    共 187