41.   Critics say that the Federal Security Service has been involved in rights abuses in Chechnya.

42.   Critics maintain the games would reward a repressive, Communist regime and lead to further rights abuses.

43.   Diplomats cited the current absence of a U.S. ambassador at the world organization and frequent American criticism of rights abuses in other countries.

44.   During the two conferences last month, they held news conferences and protests in the conference sites to criticize rights abuses in China and other countries.

45.   Ferrero-Waldner said Friday she supports an independent but national investigation into rights abuses.

46.   Flaifil was a high-ranking officer of Ian Henderson, a Briton also accused of rights abuses while head of Bahraini intelligence.

47.   Guterres insisted to a tribunal trying Indonesian officials for humans rights abuses in East Timor that his group had an obligation to defend Indonesian interests.

48.   He responded by reading an Amnesty International report on U.S. rights abuses during a national television broadcast.

49.   He said Amnesty should rather investigate rights abuses committed by the rebels.

50.   He said Argentina has come a long way from the period when rights abuses occurred routinely.

n. + abuse >>共 239
child 27.44%
drug 22.34%
alcohol 8.59%
sex 5.22%
right 4.84%
police 3.41%
campaign 2.94%
human-rights 2.22%
finance 1.84%
clergy 1.38%
right + n. >>共 364
group 26.20%
activist 13.66%
advocate 6.96%
issue 5.19%
abuse 3.83%
violation 2.54%
movement 2.25%
supporter 2.00%
organization 2.00%
bill 2.00%
每页显示:    共 154