41.   His death set off an orgy of revenge killings.

42.   His motive was unclear, but police theorized that Jovovic was the victim of revenge killing.

43.   However, Israel used an attack helicopter to assassinate a Palestinian militia commander, triggering the revenge killing of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian snipers.

44.   In Huambo, nightfall unleashes revenge killings and rampant theft.

45.   It has warned repeatedly that survivors will turn to revenge killings if the system fails them.

46.   It says the executions will show that justice works in Rwanda, and will help to prevent revenge killings.

47.   It says the executions will show that justice works in Rwanda, and help to prevent revenge killings.

48.   It wanted a multiethnic government acceptable to all Afghan parties in the capital first, to provide stability and prevent revenge killings.

49.   Its leaders have called for calm and have condemned revenge killings by vigilantes.

50.   Memories of that time prompted the revenge killings as World War II wound down.

n. + killing >>共 202
contract 17.18%
revenge 11.11%
penalty 5.56%
reprisal 4.32%
police 4.01%
honor 3.60%
execution-style 2.67%
mob 2.16%
gangland-style 1.85%
school 1.85%
revenge + n. >>共 74
attack 54.68%
killing 18.06%
factor 2.68%
fantasy 1.84%
campaign 1.67%
motive 1.51%
bombing 1.34%
operation 1.34%
game 1.00%
tragedy 0.67%
每页显示:    共 107