41.   The results might make investors wonder why they should heed the advice, much less pay for it.

42.   The result has made him a certain NFL prospect.

43.   The result has made the Diamondbacks a solid choice to rise out of a seemingly even postseason field in the National League.

44.   The result makes Javert all the more hateful.

45.   The results make eventual approval more likely, Cabinet aides said.

46.   The result makes genuine environmental protection consistent with continued productivity.

47.   The result will make commercial interests, not governments, the driving force behind safety measures.

48.   The scarring that can result makes it difficult to read future tests, and the procedure can be painful and traumatic.

49.   The result also makes for great television.

50.   The result could make a big impression on not only the conference championship race but also participation in the national title game.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
result 0.11%
result + v. >>共 364
be 63.25%
show 3.39%
come 2.00%
suggest 1.14%
indicate 1.12%
mean 1.12%
leave 1.01%
have 0.95%
reflect 0.87%
expect 0.83%
make 0.47%
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