41.   On the one hand, you can restrict their freedom.

42.   Otherwise, only local municipalities can restrict the freedom of a landowner to alter or destroy his property.

43.   President Bush strongly endorsed the changes Thursday, while appearing to anticipate criticism that they would restrict personal freedoms.

44.   Slepian was among those who took a stand against restricting reproductive freedom and paid with his life.

45.   The Campaign Finance Reform Act restricts freedom of speech.

46.   The government does not have the right to restrict our freedom of association, which should include the right to associate our money with the causes we believe in.

47.   The move toward drug testing, and the recent rulings against it, come amid a broader school safety crackdown that has restricted student freedom.

48.   To do otherwise, to license journalists, would restrict the freedom of the press the First Amendment seeks to protect.

49.   Tobacco companies insist that Congress may not restrict their freedom to advertise without running afoul of the First Amendment.

50.   Other laws the reformist want repealed restrict freedom of assembly, speech and movement.

v. + freedom >>共 405
have 10.74%
restrict 5.15%
guarantee 3.38%
demand 3.29%
win 3.18%
give 2.98%
limit 2.95%
enjoy 2.81%
allow 2.72%
protect 2.32%
restrict + n. >>共 885
access 7.84%
freedom 4.20%
use 4.15%
movement 3.59%
flow 2.50%
right 2.22%
number 2.15%
sale 2.15%
import 1.94%
activity 1.94%
每页显示:    共 179