41.   Reports have circulated around Rangoon of disagreements among leaders of her political party over what tactics to employ in their pursuit of democracy.

42.   Tension was high overnight after reports circulated on campus that police shot three students dead Monday.

43.   Unconfirmed reports are circulating that Wiranto will soon assume the number one post in the Armed Forces.

44.   Despite those denials, reports circulated that Kemp -- due in Texas late Friday for a speaking engagement -- will get that crucial phone call sometime Friday evening.

45.   Meanwhile, conflicting reports circulated on Ukrainian troop movements in Crimea.

46.   Reports had circulated in the west of a secret nuclear program in Algeria, but Algerian authorities denied them, and opened their installations to international inspection.

47.   Reports have been circulating that KLM has had discussions with other potential airline partners, including American Airlines and even British Airways.

48.   Reports have been circulating for some time of a possible aircraft carrier sale by the Ukraine to China.

49.   Reports circulated among MPs that Whelehan had failed to act under pressure from the Catholic Church, which the church denied.

50.   Reports circulated earlier this month that Rajub had been dismissed from his job, but he is still in place.

n. + circulate >>共 293
rumor 18.46%
air 7.81%
report 5.27%
rumour 3.80%
story 2.43%
petition 1.69%
blood 1.48%
money 1.37%
proposal 1.27%
police 1.27%
report + v. >>共 356
say 38.68%
be 18.76%
show 2.72%
suggest 2.64%
indicate 2.16%
come 1.60%
give 1.35%
find 1.05%
note 0.95%
add 0.87%
circulate 0.11%
每页显示:    共 50