41.   His comments came after Saudi Arabia reopened its embassy in Kabul after a five-month closure and pledged its support to Afghanistan.

42.   Indonesia will reopen its embassy in Afghanistan which has been shut for five years, Foreign Minister Hassan Wirayuda said Friday.

43.   Islamabad, she added angrily, dare not reopen the embassy in Kabul it had maintained during the Taliban era.

44.   A team of six Indian diplomats was due here late Tuesday to reopen its embassy in Kabul, the Afghan Foreign Ministry said.

45.   Afghan Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah announced Tuesday that Saudi Arabia would soon reopen its embassy in Kabul.

46.   Afghan interior minister Yunus Qanooni made the comments as Saudi Arabia reopened its embassy after a five-month closure and pledged its support to Afghanistan.

47.   An Afghan presidential spokesman on Tuesday expressed optimism that the United States would reopen its embassy in Kabul, with cooperation resuming between the two countries.

48.   China is considering reopening its embassy in Afghanistan having kept it closed for the past eight years, the foreign ministry said Tuesday.

49.   The State Department spokesman said the United States had no immediate plans to reopen its embassy in Kigali, but did not rule out such a move.

50.   Turkey and Qatar reopened its embassy in Iraq shortly after the war ended.

v. + embassy >>共 189
close 10.51%
open 7.75%
have 6.90%
move 5.06%
reopen 4.52%
enter 4.45%
leave 3.76%
maintain 2.76%
guard 2.30%
say 2.30%
reopen + n. >>共 345
case 9.49%
talk 8.11%
investigation 5.85%
negotiation 5.37%
road 3.68%
airport 3.12%
debate 2.86%
border 2.64%
embassy 2.56%
wound 2.47%
每页显示:    共 59