41.   However, relations quickly soured with lawmakers, who accused him of erratic policies and claimed that he was too frail after a series of strokes.

42.   Intercommunal relations soured when Dayaks complained of discrimination in education and job opportunities.

43.   Israel-Palestinian relations have soured in recent months, with peace talks stalled since Israel broke ground in March on a new Jewish neighborhood in disputed east Jerusalem.

44.   Less than two weeks into the honeymoon, relations are souring between corporate Britain and the new Labor government.

45.   Relations have soured among the former allies since Kabila took power, and it is widely believed that those countries are providing some support to the new rebel movement.

46.   Relations soured in later decades when governments in Bangkok imposed policies forcing all ethnic groups to adopt the Thai language and culture and, by implication, Buddhism.

47.   Relations have soured between Kabila and the two countries, and it is widely believed that they are providing some support to the new rebel movement.

48.   Relations soured earlier this month, when the Dutch issued an international arrest warrant for former Surinamese military strongman Desi Bouterse.

49.   Relations have also soured between Matsushita and MCA management.

50.   Relations have since soured and it is widely believed that those countries are providing some support to the new rebel movement.

n. + sour >>共 171
relation 13.80%
relationship 7.86%
economy 5.10%
dispute 4.88%
investor 2.76%
thing 2.55%
mood 2.34%
experience 2.12%
market 1.70%
marriage 1.49%
relation + v. >>共 205
be 30.81%
improve 10.16%
remain 6.09%
deteriorate 5.14%
sour 3.67%
warm 2.26%
begin 2.09%
suffer 1.92%
continue 1.81%
worsen 1.69%
每页显示:    共 65