41.   That indicates that investors are currently demanding a reduced risk premium to invest in gilts rather than Treasuries.

42.   The central bank cited a reduced risk of inflation.

43.   The benefits of lowering these risks are not limited to reduced risk of heart disease.

44.   The Fed cited a reduced risk of inflation as one reason for the cut.

45.   The group also mentioned the lower incidence of hypertension among vegetarians, the lower incidence of lung cancer and the reduced risk of colorectal cancer.

46.   The smokers were skeptical of any company claim suggesting reduced risk.

47.   These are strongly linked to a reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of preventable blindness in developed countries.

48.   They would not be expected to show reduced risk because they already may gain similar health advantages by menstruating, he said.

49.   This finding gained support from population studies that found a link between consumption of dairy products and a reduced risk of colon cancer.

a. + risk >>共 745
high 8.52%
increased 6.38%
greater 5.54%
higher 4.96%
political 3.90%
potential 2.93%
financial 2.93%
greatest 2.30%
great 2.01%
big 1.80%
reduced 0.80%
reduced + n. >>共 703
price 3.93%
sentence 3.58%
demand 3.27%
rate 2.95%
charge 2.70%
cost 2.61%
risk 1.92%
role 1.79%
level 1.79%
number 1.66%
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