41.   It recommended against pursuing a civil suit against the Clintons to recover Madison funds on the grounds that the litigation would cost more than it was likely to recover.

42.   Kurlak recommended against buying semiconductor shares, especially since the mutual funds that piled in last year are fleeing.

43.   Most often, this claim concerns the DTP shot, until recently recommended against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, or whooping cough.

44.   Ms. Bloomgarden also recommends against stays of less than a month.

45.   Observers may also recommend against releasing a dolphin if it appears that the animal cannot be retrained, she said.

46.   Richardson said he had recommended against release on the ground that price fluctuation did not meet the test of emergency.

47.   Safety questions, in addition to the kidney problems, arose during the panel hearing -- without causing panel members to recommend against the drug.

48.   She also declined to discuss what options Enron might pursue should the committee recommend against the project.

49.   Several top law-enforcement officials recommended against the clemency, and Burton wants to get that on the record.

50.   Since E. coli outbreaks have been linked to hamburger that is undercooked, many food experts recommend against eating hamburger that is pink inside.

v. + against >>共 702
decide 4.67%
compete 4.54%
work 3.96%
use 3.49%
speak_out 3.10%
lean 2.34%
campaign 2.07%
make 2.01%
start 1.88%
do 1.82%
recommend 0.48%
recommend + p. >>共 42
inside 32.23%
in 18.44%
against 17.99%
by 9.00%
on 8.25%
at 1.50%
during 1.35%
with 1.20%
over 1.05%
because_of 0.75%
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