41.   Even some leading economists seem a bit surprised by the recent trend.

42.   Even some typically bullish analysts are showing more caution in their forecasts after recent trading trends.

43.   Fluor bucked the recent corporate trend of divesting noncore businesses by deciding to keep the coal division, which historically has been a strong performer.

44.   For contrast, Gerstner turned to the recent trend of crashing dot-com companies.

45.   For these reasons, analysts expect wireless companies to accelerate a recent trend of forging allegiances and merging.

46.   Had it gone with the recent trend toward courtroom shows, complete with Mr. Ed as the presiding judge, it might have a stableful of Emmys by now.

47.   He applauded the recent trend toward governmental openness and declared that the United States was ready to help.

48.   He points out that recent warming trends have been far smaller than Hansen and others predicted.

49.   Her appointment also bucks a recent trend at Delta of filling top positions with outsiders.

50.   Hiring non-educators as administrators is a recent nationwide trend.

a. + trend >>共 914
downward 4.51%
national 4.10%
new 3.55%
recent 3.53%
current 3.52%
growing 3.50%
upward 3.14%
long-term 2.16%
warming 2.14%
economic 1.99%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
trend 0.26%
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