41.   The rebels often declare cease-fires to allow officials to collect the bodies of soldiers after major encounters, for polo immunization drives and for important religious festivals.

42.   Tutsi rebels declare a cease-fire for three weeks.

43.   In Nairobi, Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi called on the rebels to declare an immediate ceasefire and withdraw.

44.   The rebels declared a ceasefire which was subsequently violated in the south of the west African country.

45.   The rebels have declared a ceasefire during the campaign, though that was rejected by the president, who has vowed to crush them.

46.   The rebels have declared several times that the success or failure of the negotiations depended on the future status of Huambo province.

47.   Tutsi rebels on Monday declared a unilateral ceasefire in eastern Zaire to help the refugees.

48.   The rebels declared a three-week ceasefire on Monday for humanitarian purposes, but their leader Laurent-Desire Kabila has said they plan to continue their offensive.

n. + declare >>共 584
government 14.38%
official 5.87%
court 3.69%
judge 3.33%
authority 2.80%
leader 2.41%
island 1.96%
army 1.83%
president 1.79%
company 1.66%
rebel 1.57%
rebel + v. >>共 661
say 5.63%
be 5.41%
attack 3.57%
fight 2.64%
kill 2.17%
take 2.14%
have 1.87%
hold 1.70%
want 1.61%
seize 1.61%
declare 0.30%
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