41.   Earlier on Monday, Katz appeared on a radio program during which he insisted his own mailings did not have racist overtones.

42.   Earlier that day she had appeared on a local radio program, on which she talked about working on the secret code-breaking project.

43.   Eliminate unnecessary distractions like raucous radio programs and conversations, and never use a cellular phone while driving.

44.   During a radio call-in program Wednesday, Hull defended the plan, which she said would help the working poor get off welfare.

45.   Emotions are already rising on both sides of the issue on radio talk programs in this city.

46.   Even so, traditional radio broadcasters fought the introduction of satellite-delivered radio programs as a threat to their own, geographically limited, analog-quality broadcasts.

47.   Eventually a radio news program explains why.

48.   Father Fiore said that, as a guest on a Chicago radio program shortly after Cook filed the suit, he said he believed the accusation.

49.   Financially, the radio program has not fully recovered.

50.   Fifteen years ago, King was host of a national radio call-in program, working out of Miami.

n. + program >>共 1065
government 3.08%
computer 2.82%
television 2.29%
weapon 2.13%
education 2.08%
news 1.91%
software 1.70%
space 1.54%
welfare 1.53%
treatment 1.30%
radio 1.04%
radio + n. >>共 387
station 29.37%
report 7.58%
show 4.63%
broadcast 3.67%
interview 3.31%
address 3.21%
contact 2.67%
program 2.28%
host 2.01%
signal 1.63%
每页显示:    共 308