41.   Pressure continued to mount for a quick solution and it is escalating tension between moderates and conservatives in the Republican party.

42.   Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan and Senator Judd Gregg, Republican of New Hampshire, argued for a quick diplomatic solution to cut US losses.

43.   Roberts said he intends to ask California Gov. Pete Wilson to call an emergency session of the state Legislature to find a quick solution.

44.   Russian nuclear experts remained skeptical that a quick solution could be reached.

45.   She warned that a quick solution was unlikely.

46.   Some Democrats acknowledge privately that they do not want to see a quick solution.

47.   Supporters of overriding the veto said a quick solution is needed to dispose of waste.

48.   The Patriots found a quick solution in Edwards.

49.   The problem is that there is no quick domestic solution to the oil problem - including ANWR.

50.   The pressure is mounting to reach a budget agreement, but legislative leaders predicted no quick solutions.

a. + solution >>共 983
political 8.40%
peaceful 7.66%
diplomatic 5.11%
possible 3.79%
best 3.29%
only 3.16%
long-term 3.01%
military 2.24%
quick 1.85%
negotiated 1.85%
quick + n. >>共 1615
action 2.60%
succession 1.97%
end 1.60%
decision 1.59%
look 1.59%
resolution 1.52%
solution 1.50%
start 1.40%
profit 1.40%
recovery 1.27%
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