41.   Steinberg, who headed publicity departments at Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures, entered the trade in postwar New York.

42.   Studio publicity departments still exist, but they are concerned solely with marketing new products.

43.   The publicity department has also been a sore point for many years.

44.   The report also said that Greenpeace was considering shifting its publicity department from London to Amsterdam.

45.   Chinese journalists and employees of government publicity departments were urged Friday to present a better picture of China to the outside world, the Xinhua news agency reported.

n. + department >>共 851
police 19.41%
health 7.77%
government 6.26%
city 1.59%
justice 1.38%
finance 1.20%
research 1.16%
service 1.15%
education 1.02%
personnel 1.01%
publicity 0.71%
publicity + n. >>共 230
stunt 17.30%
campaign 14.54%
agent 4.82%
department 3.87%
tour 3.53%
machine 3.18%
material 2.93%
blitz 2.84%
hound 2.32%
photo 2.15%
每页显示:    共 45