41.   Clinton has opposed other proposed amendments to the Constitution, such as ones to allow school prayer, to ban flag burning and to mandate a balanced federal budget.

42.   Congress would need more control over spending to comply with a proposed constitutional amendment that would require a balanced federal budget, he said in an interview.

43.   Death penalty supporters have been wrong to immerse the issue in demagoguery and wrong to offer their own proposed constitutional amendment for the statewide ballot.

44.   David Smith, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, a national gay and lesbian rights group, blasted the proposed amendment at a news conference.

45.   Demon rum still flowed during Prohibition, but this proposed constitutional amendment could wreck the economy overnight.

46.   Despite the major concession on spending, legislators were being slowed down by dickering over all sorts of proposed amendments, ranging from antiabortion language to banking deregulation.

47.   Democrats said the proposed amendment was not ready for passage and needed the scrutiny of a committee, something that Republicans have thus far refused to permit.

48.   Deputies subsequently voted down a motion to strengthen the resolution after its sponsor, Communist deputy Victor Ilyukhin, said he had been inundated with proposed amendments.

49.   Durbin is co-sponsor of a proposed constitutional amendment that would require direct election of presidents, ending the two-centuries-old system of state-based electors.

50.   During a hearing on a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow Congress to protect the flag from desecration, others testified that what the flag represented was more important.

a. + amendment >>共 356
constitutional 48.71%
proposed 12.50%
democratic 2.51%
new 2.21%
controversial 1.85%
such 1.65%
similar 1.12%
first 0.82%
republican 0.79%
minor 0.76%
proposed + n. >>共 766
change 5.00%
law 4.15%
merger 4.08%
legislation 4.05%
amendment 3.03%
rule 2.68%
settlement 2.45%
deal 2.25%
tax 1.93%
cut 1.82%
每页显示:    共 377