41.   In Australia, a strategic focus on Draught Guinness, the successful launch of Canned Draught Guinness, and innovative advertising have produced excellent results.

42.   In the Southern Region we have introduced a retention system which is producing positive results as you will see in our regional report.

43.   A recent pilot study with combined laser treatment and radiotherapy in oesophageal cancer produced promising results.

44.   At first this strategy produced disappointing results, as the French authorities in North Africa, Indochina, and Syria rallied to Vichy.

45.   Applying the but for test would have produced this result.

46.   The mathematical properties of the equations producing the results are not directly elucidated.

47.   Finally, studies investigating the communication styles of parents were found to produce conflicting results.

48.   The ministry thought that decentralisation of planning control to area committees of the planning authority produced better results than delegation to another elected body.

49.   Clean-up contracts will be more stringently managed and terminated if they fail to produce results.

50.   Unfortunately, in road accident cases, advertising for witnesses rarely produces results.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
produce + n. >>共 1722
result 3.89%
evidence 1.86%
weapon 1.01%
agreement 0.93%
show 0.90%
goods 0.89%
electricity 0.86%
product 0.85%
film 0.82%
document 0.79%
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