41.   The item shows him with the Syrian president and foreign minister and later with the Lebanese foreign minister and prime minister.

42.   The law calls for Nano to stay on as caretaker prime minister until Parliament approves his successor and a new Cabinet.

43.   The president dissolved Parliament and swore in former Supreme Court Chief Justice Mohammad Habibur Rahman as a caretaker prime minister.

44.   Their candidate for prime minister is Tiit Vahi, a Soviet-era company director and briefly a caretaker prime minister before Laar took over.

45.   Though Yeltsin reinstated many of his old ministers, a few critical spots remain empty, including finance minister and deputy prime minister in charge of the economy.

46.   Tourism Minister Moshe Katsav, who is also deputy prime minister, said Thursday he was concerned about the stability of the government.

47.   Former mining and petroleum minister John Giheno was sworn in as caretaker prime minister Thursday until the inquiry is completed.

48.   As deputy prime minister, Sainovic headed the special secret services of the police and the army during the calls a joint criminal enterprise with Milosevic.

49.   Deve Gowda is currently acting as caretaker prime minister while Sharma considers whether to call for a new coalition or call new general elections.

50.   The remarks came from Banza Mukalay, vice president of the Popular Movement of the Revolution party and also a deputy prime minister.

v. + minister >>共 380
say 5.98%
include 5.98%
finance 4.32%
name 3.24%
appoint 2.92%
prime 2.83%
meet 2.83%
replace 2.74%
fire 2.65%
accuse 2.34%
prime + n. >>共 73
minister 35.39%
pump 10.67%
economy 4.49%
body 1.69%
customer 1.69%
brain 1.12%
bullet 1.12%
appetite 1.12%
head 1.12%
form 1.12%
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