41.   Her primary focus was East Asian and Pacific affairs.

42.   His primary focus concerned investment banking.

43.   Huizenga still has his teams -- all of them personal investments -- which will be his primary focus until he finds a new industry to enter.

44.   However, the primary focus was the variations in his financial statements.

45.   I want to be involved in the total development of the program, but I know my primary focus will be recruiting.

46.   In fact, Starr has never met or talked with Lewinsky, his primary legal focus the past year.

47.   In short, the primary focus is now definitely on budget savings.

48.   In later years Masters and Johnson did tend to emphasize commitment more, but their primary focus remained physiological, not psychological, philosophical or moral.

49.   Indeed, that is the primary focus of their money managers, as it must be under federal law.

50.   Iraq was the primary focus of American foreign and military policy during the Gulf War.

a. + focus >>共 502
main 11.71%
new 5.73%
primary 4.89%
major 3.89%
sharp 2.45%
central 2.09%
narrow 2.04%
sharper 1.84%
intense 1.80%
greater 1.52%
primary + n. >>共 1157
reason 3.14%
source 2.92%
season 2.62%
concern 2.42%
goal 2.41%
campaign 2.20%
responsibility 2.07%
state 1.93%
focus 1.66%
voter 1.47%
每页显示:    共 121