41.   They won, and state was prevented from granting permits for the nets.

42.   They restrict state power only in that they prevent the states from abolishing all eligibility requirements for membership in Congress.

43.   Thirteen California physicians Tuesday asked a state appeals court to reinstate their suit seeking to prevent the state from using doctors to carry out the death penalty.

44.   We endorse the Defense of Marriage Act to prevent states from being forced to recognize same-sex unions.

45.   Would have prevented the state from increasing benefits to families who have additional children while on welfare.

46.   An effort is under way in Congress to derail it and to prevent other states from passing similar laws.

47.   Erbakan faces charges of fraud for allegedly hiding party money to prevent the state from seizing the funds when the party was shut down.

48.   European Union finance ministers on Monday sought to establish a common fiscal policy that would prevent member states from offering excessive tax breaks to lure foreign investment.

49.   Given that tests are important for perfecting new weapons, Boutros-Ghali said a test ban treaty would therefore prevent states from developing such weapons.

50.   It is one of the factors that continues to prevent the state from improving its credit rating when it seeks to borrow money, analysts said.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
prevent 0.92%
prevent + n. >>共 1204
attack 3.54%
violence 1.93%
spread 1.72%
people 1.65%
company 0.97%
infection 0.92%
recurrence 0.88%
problem 0.87%
cancer 0.87%
disease 0.85%
state 0.28%
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