41.   On Thursday, the president discussed personnel issues during a meeting with Chernomyrdin, but no decisions on any changes in the government have been released so far.

42.   SEC presidents discussed the issue during a regularly scheduled meeting in Atlanta on Monday.

43.   Speaking to reporters Thursday before the opening of the summit, Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov said the presidents would not discuss the conflict control committee in their meetings.

44.   The five presidents discussed attempts to join the World Trade Organization, customs rules and preventing antidumping measures, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.

45.   The former Soviet president will discuss global environmental issues.

46.   The French president also discussed problems of the European Union, suggesting ways for the EU to overcome its image as a political lightweight.

47.   The Italian president also discussed his push for a Marshall Plan for Palestinians to ensure peace and stability in the area, according to the spokesman.

48.   The Kremlin press service said the two presidents discussed economic issues and prospects for interaction within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

49.   The president discussed that issue later Thursday at the White House with Australian Prime Minister John Howard.

50.   The presidents discussed preparations for the meeting in a telephone conversation Monday, the Kremlin said in a statement.

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president 1.48%
president + v. >>共 673
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