41.   Paige, in his first appearance before Congress since his confirmation, said the administration will provide preliminary figures on the package by the end of February.

42.   Preliminary figures for this year indicate that the number of tourists held steady through May but began to decline in June and July.

43.   Preliminary figures for this year show a continuing decline.

44.   Preliminary figures indicate that most will vote in their prewar homes, although most of the Bosnian Serbs who fled to Serb territory intend to vote there.

45.   Seeking to head off speculation, Amazon earlier this month released preliminary figures that pointed to better-than-expected performance for this quarter.

46.   That was a preliminary figure, including estimates for December temperatures.

47.   The March preliminary figures also showed a drop.

48.   The Manpower Ministry issued the final figures in its quarterly report, confirming preliminary figures given in late October by Minister Lee Boon Yang.

49.   The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe expects to release preliminary figures Monday, but the final count could take weeks.

50.   The lead market moved into deficit last year after two years of oversupply but zinc supply exceeded use for the fifth straight year, according to preliminary figures Monday.

a. + figure >>共 1040
sales 4.24%
political 3.90%
double 2.98%
key 2.96%
official 2.53%
leading 1.94%
new 1.89%
exact 1.72%
prominent 1.66%
senior 1.58%
preliminary 0.42%
preliminary + n. >>共 569
hearing 6.88%
result 6.72%
investigation 5.74%
report 5.69%
talk 4.48%
injunction 4.21%
round 3.47%
finding 3.19%
agreement 3.03%
test 2.83%
figure 0.99%
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