41.   The poll gave Bush an advantage on several issues including world affairs, taxes, the budget surplus and the economy.

42.   The poll gives Bush a massive lead over runner-up Elizabeth Dole.

43.   The polls give Clinton little reason to do much more than tinker.

44.   The San Francisco poll also gave a boost to state Treasurer Matt Fong, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.

45.   Today you seem poised to run for the presidency and the polls give you a real chance.

46.   Two weeks ago, another Mason-Dixon poll gave Faircloth a two-point lead, not significantly different.

47.   VNS said its exit polls gave Gore a small lead that was borne out by the early actual returns.

48.   Washington votes still were being tallied late Tuesday, however, and polls were giving Arizona Sen. John McCain an early edge.

49.   While independent polls gave Patton comfortable leads early in the campaign, more recent surveys show that Forgy has pulled virtually even.

50.   Other polls gave The Alliance an even greater margin of victory.

n. + give >>共 1240
government 2.60%
official 2.49%
report 1.96%
company 1.46%
law 1.37%
police 1.14%
doctor 1.00%
deal 0.95%
victory 0.94%
authority 0.92%
poll 0.51%
poll + v. >>共 355
show 41.06%
indicate 9.37%
be 7.27%
suggest 6.70%
find 4.71%
have 3.13%
say 2.87%
give 2.19%
close 2.09%
predict 1.19%
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