41.   The report did not mention any particular policies aimed at countering severe water and air pollution in many parts of both river valleys.

42.   This Israeli policy aims to take away from our people their ability to survive.

43.   Yeltsin said Friday that the new government should follow tight-money policies aimed at a strong ruble and low inflation.

44.   Fiscal policies aim to manage the economy through government spending as opposed to monetary policies, which concentrate on controlling the money supply through movements in interest rates.

45.   Government policies aimed at stemming the influx by expanding township enterprises in inland provinces have failed to provide an incentive for the labourers to stay closer to home.

46.   Argentine President Fernando de la Rua resigned Thursday amid growing unrest over economic austerity policies aimed at staving off financial collapse.

47.   Assaf attributed the upswing in economic growth to government policies aimed at reducing public expenditure and encouraging the private sector.

48.   Bureau Vice Director Zong Jinya was quoted as saying the policy aimed to avoid the economic damage of forced closures.

49.   But Pyongyang angrily rejected the offer, accusing Bush of maintaining a policy aimed at stifling and slandering the reclusive state.

50.   Estonia will continue its current center-right policies aimed at joining the European Union and NATO under its next government, outgoing prime minister Mart Laar said Thursday.

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policy + v. >>共 703
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