41.   The plans also draw an enormous question mark about the ultimate viability of the Communist Party itself.

42.   The plan has drawn criticism from Republicans, who call it an example of unwarranted federal meddling in local affairs.

43.   The plan has drawn opposition from some Republican lawmakers in the Senate, including the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

44.   The plan immediately drew fire from Republicans in larger states.

45.   The plan drew fire from professional groups, including doctors and lawyers, as well as retailers and other businesses with high labor costs and low profit margins.

46.   The plan has also drawn a mixed response among legislative leaders here in Albany.

47.   The plan has drawn widespread criticism from human rights groups and opposition parties.

48.   The plans drew years of opposition from the neighborhood.

49.   The report and action plan drew mixed reviews from community leaders who advocate reform, including Alan Parachini of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.

50.   The SIA plan drew praise today from SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt, some leading stock markets and the DTC.

n. + draw >>共 1942
case 1.96%
proposal 1.58%
plan 1.46%
government 1.25%
move 1.16%
decision 1.09%
comment 0.97%
company 0.84%
remark 0.74%
event 0.71%
plan + v. >>共 646
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call 5.74%
include 3.82%
have 2.93%
go 1.74%
work 1.36%
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