41.   With the glut of independent movies seeking distributors, Asian-American directors said their movies were often passed over because of a perceived lack of mainstream marketability.

42.   Affifuddin said the perceived lack of transparency in decision-making and transactions undertaken by substantial shareholders and their listed companies was also of concern.

43.   But more important in Western eyes is a perceived lack of democracy.

44.   But Peruvians are becoming impatient with a perceived lack of coordination and slower-than-expected fulfillment of his campaign promises, polls show.

45.   Concerns over a perceived lack of political leadership have deepened the general anxiety.

46.   Despite the often handsome financial rewards, the survey recorded, the people were deterred by a perceived lack of job security.

47.   He was traded five years later, largely because of a perceived lack of fire.

48.   However, Rabin would likely hesitate to do so for perceived lack of political legitimacy.

49.   It is learnt that the perceived lack of quality is a reason why manyhouseholds shun locally produced electrical items.

50.   Saudi Arabia has drawn criticism from some American quarters for its perceived lack of support for the U.S.-led war on terrorism.

a. + lack >>共 332
apparent 6.65%
general 5.98%
total 5.37%
complete 4.90%
relative 4.30%
perceived 3.90%
utter 2.35%
serious 1.88%
same 1.81%
distinct 1.75%
perceived + n. >>共 496
threat 8.77%
lack 4.80%
slight 2.90%
risk 2.15%
need 1.82%
injustice 1.74%
weakness 1.74%
enemy 1.66%
bias 1.49%
value 1.32%
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