41.   The Socialist government resigned in December, but the ruling party is insisting on its right to form a new government.

42.   Whilst the party insists the men are innocent till proven guilty, the undertaking of the calendar has drawn criticism from most Croats, who find the project unsavory.

43.   But the other parties insist there is little to boast about.

44.   But opposition parties insisted the son face parliament to account for his alleged corruption.

45.   Earlier the ruling party had insisted that no party candidates be allowed to run for positions below mayoral and gubernatorial level.

46.   Earlier the ruling party had insisted that party candidates be barred from running for positions below mayoral and gubernatorial level to ensure clean campaigning.

47.   Meanwhile, Ivanko said there was only so much UNPROFOR could do if the warring parties insisted on fighting.

48.   Nationalist Serb parties continued to insist on a separate Serb state while anti-nationalist parties insisted that Moslems, Croats and Serbs could once more live together peacefully.

49.   The party insists that Britain must keep its defence spending down.

50.   The party insists that powers over areas such as foreign policy, taxation, defence or immigration must remain with the British parliament.

n. + insist >>共 997
official 19.77%
government 7.48%
leader 3.30%
company 2.03%
authority 1.92%
administration 1.82%
aide 1.23%
executive 1.23%
rebel 1.22%
police 1.12%
party 0.65%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
insist 0.24%
每页显示:    共 50