41.   Police vans were parked on streets leading to the square, and most shops in the area were closed.

42.   Police vans are parked outside the flour mills in Karachi.

43.   The CBS van was parked in a hotel parking lot.

44.   The driver, who was alone, parked the van and took off into a wooded area.

45.   The van was parked in the driveway of a house.

46.   Last Friday, in torrential rain, the two men saw the van parked on the pavement facing oncoming traffic, near Bologna city centre.

47.   The explosive-packed van was parked near the arrival terminal but the detonator blast did not cause any casualties or damage to other vehicles, Silva said.

v. + van >>共 239
drive 9.22%
park 5.41%
stop 3.92%
use 3.80%
find 2.42%
steal 2.19%
hit 1.84%
rent 1.84%
attack 1.84%
follow 1.73%
park + n. >>共 284
car 27.69%
vehicle 6.08%
garage 5.85%
truck 5.45%
money 3.27%
ticket 3.10%
area 2.81%
van 2.69%
bus 1.55%
place 1.43%
每页显示:    共 47